Thank A Vet
Welcome! Visit this site frequently to learn about upcoming events with TAV as well as opportunities to support veterans in the local area.
Who We Are
We are a unique Non-Profit service organization comprised of Veterans and Volunteers, all sharing the common goal to serve and honor veterans. Click the button below to learn more about who we are and what we do.
Support Thank A Vet
Every donation you make, helps us help our Veterans. We pride ourselves on ensuring the Veterans we serve get the best service, training, and resources. We thank you for your donation.
Operation Thank a Vet's Annual Golf Tournament
Special thanks to all who supported the 8th Annual Tournament! Click on the video to see photos taken during the tournament and dinner banquet.
Resource Pages
Are you or do you know a veteran who needs support? Browse resources here.
Support Requests
Are you a veteran or do you know a veteran who is seeking support? Please complete the request form and one of our team members will reach out to you.